Friday, February 1, 2013

The Scrying Pool: Mounts


After last week's outcry for mounts, The Scrying Pool looks at how they could be implemented in Guild Wars 2.(1)

Welcome back to the second article in ZAM's weekly Guild Wars 2 column: The Scrying Pool. If you missed the first article you can still find it here. You can read about the mysterious Sylvari and what stories could come to pass.

In the first article I said that I have no insider information, a statement that I want to make clear during these first few articles, and that nothing here is destined to come to Guild Wars 2. Also mentioned is that this column will be taking a “What If” look at lore and story, as in the first article, but also at game mechanics which is what this article will focus guild wars 2 gold

Last week ArenaNet released January's content patch teaser page. As with all of the teaser pages so far, a new concept art was released related to the new content. The story behind the Flame & Frost series is a group Charr and Norn refugees displaced by some unknown disaster in the north. As such the concept art depicts a large group of people along with horses and pack animals laden with belongings leaving their homes in a convoy.

This concept art caught the eye of some of the community who starting crying that this was proof that mounts were coming to Guild Wars 2. In the foreground you can see a horse and Norn which players thought was concept depicting a mounted Norn. ArenaNet developers and community managers took to the forums to quash these rumors of or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

If there are no plans for mounts, why is there a mounted Norn in the concept art? Some wrote that ArenaNet is trying to keep mounts secret and others claimed artist's interpretation, but further inspection of the concept art revealed that the Norn isn't even mounted. The only piece of evidence to mounts coming to Guild Wars 2 isn't actually evidence at all.


 With the only evidence gone and ArenaNet stating that no mounts are planned, will we ever see mounts in Tyria? Well no, probably not. But could there be a place for mounts in Guild Wars 2? Maybe, but it wouldn't be your typical mount system.

Most games that have mounts either launched with them already implemented or were designed with the plan that mounts would be added post-launch. Guild Wars 2 did not have mounts in at launch and there are still no plans to add them five months after launch.

This does not rule out mounts, but since none of the zones and mob densities was set up to allow for mounts it could lead to problems both mechanically and from a game play perspective. Sure events and mob density can be adjusted (with a good chunk of man-hours), but changing entire map terrain just to allow mounts is a lot of work. Some of you may be thinking that the maps wouldn't need to change, but imagine trying to ride a mount through the rocky terrain in Lornar's Pass.

To give an example, World of Warcraft added flying mounts with the Burning Crusade expansion. There is a distinct difference in the size of the maps between Vanilla and BC to accommodate this new flying transportation, a size which has carried over to every each expansion since. It wasn't until Cataclysm changed Vanilla that players were able to fly through those zones. The Vanilla maps were not designed for flying mounts so they were originally kept out of those zones.

Some of you may be getting where I'm going with this. If World of Warcraft could design the new expansion maps to accommodate flying mounts, why couldn't Guild Wars 2 do the same with some expansion down the road? buy or sell GW2 gold

They could, but then players would probably complain how the Vanilla maps can't have mounts and try to convince the devs to allow them there. That would just bring this full circle to the problems of adding mounts to the current maps. So adding the ability to use mounts to every new zone would not be ideal, but what if there were only certain maps that would allow mounts?
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In the high segment Mat Road Battle whole career to explain how to play ice?

      Ice Queen began to speak today. A very strong career, Ice Queen, PK powerful, but in fact PK coefficient really is not high, and the difficulty of the operation is also lower, but if you will not fight, then it is touched is touched body was beaten to death  .

     Ice to deal with, some better mentality, or the god of ice you can put your kite As Ice's pretty much a life-saving skills, is not what can be caught, must rely on the skills consumption, but the evil of the fire-legs forced us to walk must coquettish! I am sure you ice the shot hind legs forced nowhere to go with the red escapement, it will be a tragedy, especially the distance is quite far.

     So, hit the ice must be pressing harder and harder, not insignificant, you always play to play wretched copies, but how can you minimize the damage close to the ice, to see how you go a bit, and evade. Ice is can all of a sudden bursts of four darts, you can escape the four on the line, This is Ice anxious, so, a little close to the point of using a variety of methods Ice, when in the middle distance with red escapement grab him. C9 gold

     Ice can stealth run red escapement is not suddenly be able to catch, but do not forget your exile Dance! This skill is critical skills to play Ice! If used well, will be hit very hard, and the skills that the test of the invincible mastery you instantly hide ice skill weapon. This is playing ice to walk requires. cheap C9 gold

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

It was four of the worst hours I've spent in Guild Wars 2 thus far.

More Isn't Always Merrier

And these crowds further made it difficult to appreciate the story Arena Net was trying to tell. When you corner a conspirator to discover the truth, but you do it alongside 50 other characters, all crammed into his bedroom like some fantasy world clown car, it kills the mood. Instances aren't always a bad thing.


I killed this karka and all I got was this lousy earring.
Which all leads to the big finale. I have the utmost respect for how Arena Net puts drama, action, and storytelling into its open worlds. But the battles against the karka on South sun Shoals were a misbegotten spectacle of epic mis proportion. I was there for four hours on Sunday afternoon, and it was four of the worst hours I've spent in Guild Wars 2 thus far, because I knew what Arena Net was trying to do. I could tell how it was supposed to go, and so I was keenly aware of how it wasn't going. The lag was so bad that I finally just rejiggered my Necromancer, a character I've built as an unholy debuff machine, as a summoner class. I called in four under pets, put my ranged staff attack on auto attack, and followed the swarm as best as I could. It got to the point where I would press the button to use an ability, and it would take 30 seconds before it actually activated. I have never seen anything so bad in Guild Wars 2.

Release The Unwashed Masses!

Furthermore, Arena Net chose to coincide the Lost Shores event with a free trial weekend -- which would've been much less of a big deal if the event was restricted to higher character levels. It wasn't, so anyone who wanted to participate had his or her character boosted to the level cap. This isn't unprecedented -- the larger-scale player-vs-player battles do this, and it's a great way to open to everyone something traditionally reserved for endgame content. So although the battle against the karka was a level 80 event, there were plenty of people in there playing newer characters.   buy guild wars 2 gold

The player community offers helpful techer support during a battle.
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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Guild Wars 2: LFG App Released New Version to iTunes

    Guild Wars 2's LFG app team released the latest version on iTunes, which now is now available for iOS devices.(1)

    The easy way to find a group. Find groups for dungeons and events in Guild Wars 2.

    Great way to find a group even across different home servers.
No need to stand in Lions Arch spamming chat for a group
Quick way to advertise you are looking for a group or find that last needed member.

   Note: You can group with others no matter what server they are on. You don't need to be on the same home server. Only thing to note is European vs North American servers. You are unable to play across regions. dofus item

  Get your copy of the Guild Wars 2 LFG app on iTunes for ninety-nine cents..

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The 25 heroes fear of the heart 2-3 BOSS Rogue Sharing.

Skills to do a lot of notes before the ordinary experiences paste, in which only change the difficulty of H described.

One: Royal the prime minister Zor Locke

The BOSS due to the difficulty of the problem, we have chosen to skip the first, I believe that the vast majority of the team will choose to skip this BOSS later.

II: Blade lords Taya Ke

The BOSS overall is very simple, as long as it does not appear attrition, should be destroyed in violent before.

The specialization selection assassination, talent to select Shadow Step and vampire poison, Glyph select Sprint and feint, and the other with personal preferences.

First stage:

This stage more than the ordinary one skill, the blade storm around all pull the BOSS and AE in this AE mortal, this skill one minute cast read article cast boot before cast, the cast of this skill will be The wind will suck all the players like a BOSS kept running forward to avoid, this the wind similar siege anger trillion Temple 4 wind skills, but where the wind direction is pointing BOSS.

Only need to see this article read here immediately ran forward through the BOSS and has been maintained to run forward to, pay attention to the direction, not to the left or right to move, run straight after the end of this skill Shadow Step BOSS side.

Cast this skill, if found to split less than 10S, immediately fill, if greater than or equal to 10S, do not fill.

The invisible hit the target if it is invisible to combat finish casting after the downing of flight do not immediately Shadow Step to the BOSS around at BOSS hatred you tanks ridicule a little too slow, you're dead.

Invisible blow cast before the split less than 6S, please fill.

Second stage:

This stage and ordinary nothing different, the only to note that due to the pressure of the DPS and treatment, will choose when BOSS blood began anti-run, anti-ran to the edge of space there has been two wind to 11%, which 2 wind can let you in and out and will be blowing in the direction of the current tornado.

BOSS blood into the 10%, the use of the wind as much as possible to move to the site the other end, reducing the run time of the wind, maintained the same feint run the wind.

3rd: Jiala Long

The BOSS thieves the Blade Flurry mechanism modified, resulting in an increase in difficulty, the thieves before the output is not so high, but still can be a battle.

Specialization choose to fight, talent to select Shadow Step and vampire poison Glyph choose impulse, Blade Flurry and feint, the other with personal preferences.

BOSS legs repair mechanisms 30S time, start time, when broken leg appear 4 legged shared repair CD to repair a broken leg in a random.

First stage:

We choose opening all sets fire off the right hind leg, let a broken leg to repair as soon as possible to enter the CD, and then began to output the right front leg, in order to repair a broken leg convenient melee output appears on the right, the left leg in addition to the Master of infection outside P1 is not play, can guarantee the basic melee has legs can play, but still may appear 30S + legless output time the Sword Dance switch to pay attention to.

The trampling Before playing feint damage reduction

Second stage:

Body reduced to 33% of the blood, BOSS will no longer be pulled run all over, all legs can play do not play on the left, but for their own safety.

If DPS enough, the final knock down the the refresh before 20S violent final 1st leg kill BOSS.

Overall playing ugly, this play is not very good, legless stage output of the body is not very good, of course, hit the first thief than I 6 pcs.

If the right does not appear for a long time without a leg to play than the column, Sword Dance absolutely ideal state share was about 28% less than the Sword Dance ratio will decline 30S the legless more time, but If reduced to less than 23%, we should pay more attention to their own bit of walking.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5.1 information: The new the prestige sale 496 level purple jewelry attribute Glance

5.1 two new prestige for sale 496 grade purple jewelry, the following Alliance version, tribal corresponding need corresponding revered reputation: (1)

Permanent Mission of 1152 Dodge use to improve 3838 mastery for 15 seconds, 60 seconds CD (2)

Permanent 1152 Intellect 3838 Spirit for 15 seconds, 60 seconds CD (3)

Permanent Mission of 1152 points agile, improve the 3838 crit for 15 seconds, 60 seconds CD (4)

Permanent Strength 1152, using 3838 crit improve, for 15 seconds, 60 seconds CD (5)

Permanent Mission of 1152 points rapidly, by 3838 Intellect for 15 seconds, 60 seconds CD
Reputation respectable 496 Ring, but the feeling of everybody the jewelry are interested, only to put jewelry.
Supreme gods and Kara Kersee also added 496 shoes and belt, but also estimated prestigious race limited only at the purpose of the test was on the prestige Quartermaster.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Mood: No Diablo 3 difference for our taste improve

Diablo 3 after the sale, from the initial frenzy, to passion retreat, can be said that has experienced a process of ups and downs. Online, it is met with a variety of bad for the majority of users. In this, I also talk about Diablo 3.

First, regarding the Diablo 3 game

Diablo 3 is in fact not completely useless, suffered one of the most controversial is because it is the starting point is too high.

First, Blizzard so many years of reputation and performance was there, the high expectations of all Blizzard works;

Secondly, the Diablo series is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the success of Diablo 2, so that the majority of Diablo fans highly anticipated Diablo 3.

Third, the player's taste. The first two points are well known, and I have nothing to say, I would like to talk about the third point, I think this is the most fundamental reason.

If Diablo 3 10 years earlier issue, I believe that most players will never now this attitude. Here, Ken someone will say, "technical force progress, get the game now into 10 years ago, itself is not fair".

I declare, I do not consider the 10-year development and growth of the game, just a simple game mechanism, mode, and the game itself:

In fact, all these years, aside hardware upgrade traditional online games, from the patterns and not much has changed, in addition to the World of Warcraft.

Yes, in fact, is the taste of the majority of players improve. Caused such taste to improve the "culprit" is the World of Warcraft.

Diablo 3 earlier issued 10 years before, on the World of Warcraft, then certainly a big success. Conditions at the time, in addition to another myth reach effect on the art, the other is not what the problem is, fully capable of making such a game, Imagine if 10 years on sale in the morning Diablo 3, it will definitely become Blizzard . Of course, in this world there is no if. The huge success of World of Warcraft, undoubtedly to Diablo 3 early in digging the grave. World of Warcraft subvert the significance of traditional online games, based on teamwork, no longer deliberate pursuit of game time, is no longer a the endless 打怪 playing treasure upgrade, the high-end end who played for casual gamers casual a player.

This all changed so that the players can not refuse. Now, Diablo 3 went back to the past, back to the traditional Daguai playing treasure game mode.

We have enjoyed seven years of Warcraft dinner, have become accustomed to this way. Suddenly returned nothing new Diablo 3 not used to is a normal thing.

Not Diablo 3 game is not good, but the player's taste has improved, as early as 10 years ago, we played a similar game, already tired, the event that no new ideas in the back of the game, this game really playable from time to play.

Secondly, with regard to the equipment of the swap rate

The vast majority of people playing 2,3 months, not to mention Seaview million level never seen the equipment, pocket perennial million gold coins.

Diablo 3 Need equipment swap outspoken low, or a combination of useful affixes appear rate is too low. I am also, in recent weeks did not come out too good things before the cash auction house sold a few hundred dollars, less obvious shipping. All players will swap rate, but complained that the father of this pit Scolding aside, we need to know is that the swap rate is always impossible to achieve a satisfactory standard of allowing the player you really want to increase, this game will be finished. Suddenly, this sentence the whole world knows.

Diablo 3 play is what it plainly on the word, equipment, everything revolves around the word to. Event divided into 1, 2, 3, 1 and so the best out rate is low, 3, etc. Worst off high.

Are 3 other equipment early in the game, most players buy and sell, swap rate, the number of the first armed itself. The basic 3 other equipment have been saturated with the equipment continues to fall and the loss of players, most players are 2 and other equipment needs to be replaced. So before sell hundreds of millions of equipment can now sell hundreds of millions of the equipment before selling several million are now cabbage price, hundreds of thousands will be able to get a hundred and eighty million equipment previously sold direct throw NPC . Market saturation, which is the inevitable consequence.

The event JP equipment swap rate increase, we imagine, the game play on 1,2 months, most of the people who are the JP body good brush to sell and can not be bought out, this game can play go on it? One thousand injured, hit back, the blast injuries hole with one hand, even 1000K sell less than would someone go Farm What?

Terms for Blizzard, it certainly will not let this situation occur, the only way is to control the swap rate.

Third, purgatory elite mob difficulty

I hit the A3 encounter Molten + whirlpool, and the shield often die want to hit the keyboard. But in turn, think about it, this set is reasonable, is not it?

Not only that, all BOSS I think it needs to be strengthened to do. As a basically stand-alone game, easily the clearance will only make us lose the fun of the game prematurely, and there is no challenge. If the pursuit of simple, brutal, RCC computer's pleasure, casually next single game Shade will be able to achieve their goals.

Had seen an article that Diablo 3 simple, like a nightmare, hell, three difficulty.

I really have nothing to say more than 50 levels of hell will be able to open up, for as while smoking, watching movies, then Brain Farm game, also mentioning afford interested in playing it? A garbage can clearance game, what is the meaning of the JP equipment? Would someone spend money JP equipment it? In fact, Diablo 3 purgatory strange difficulty setting is very reasonable, and even said that it is very successful. To put it plainly, the difficult than fighting monsters, not fighting monsters skills, but a combination of skills, some skill sets to fight on relaxing some skills combined with depressed people to commit suicide. The difficulty of such blame is not static, but luck and uncertainties.

Game difficult, not a bad thing, the other game is not difficult to you? Played World of Warcraft, especially experienced players in the 60, who still remember the MC Ragnaros, the Red Dragon BWL, TAQ Gemini, these BOSS original card How often do we send the number of repairs, said really Diablo 3 Elite strange is much more difficult.

Fourth, on the auction house

People found Diablo 3 auction house is the biggest flaw of the game, but it is also the only settings can not be canceled.

That he is a big mistake, because the existence of the auction house, greatly shorten the life of the game (in the present version). Diablo 3 good equipment swap rate we are fully understood, if it were not for the auction house, means that a number figured off equipment have to break out without BUG's premise, this certainly is a very slow process, which greatly The increase in the time of the game. When the beginning of the game, the BUG and skills set very unreasonable.

But imagine, if it were not for AH so of these premature excessive JP equipment circulation to many players hands, perhaps most people still mix it A1, the Blizzard some equipment out rate due to increase again, perhaps Diablo 3 will not so early toward downturn. However, due to the presence of the auction house, leading to early BUG benefit passed to the server, resulting in the overall progress of the acceleration. So Blizzard only let 1.04 premature arrival, to try to recover these lost players, the players may be a good thing, but Blizzard is definitely a big mistake.

In fact, the game BUG is not a big deal, similar to the World of Warcraft replication, brush gold or a variety of BOSS war BUG, ??its severity compares favorably with Diablo 3, but the consequences than Diablo 3 is much smaller, in the final analysis, AH system similar to Diablo 3 World of Warcraft, BUG just a short period of time to impact the people of a small part of the entire server, without any impact on the game.

But Diablo 3, before any BUG lethal, the reason is that the auction house. But to consider it from another angle, Blizzard standpoint, before the introduction of another means of fishing gold auction house is definitely a must. Diablo 3 buyout in nature, even if no matter how good the game, after the peak of the beginning Offer, behind the sales are minimal, Diablo 3 do not need cards, then after the money means only cash auction house extraction fee for a way out.

So, even if the Blizzard also know that the auction house will shorten the life of the game but still have threw the go, this is understandable from the point of view of the interests of. But they did not think the the imperfect game system, so that the auction house has become one of the reasons for the decline of the game.

We play the game, no need to be too tangled happy enough time Farm, no time to rest. In a word, the game only, no need to be too serious, earnest, you lose!